Lactation Support

  • Prenatal Education

    Feeding your baby is the most important part of infant care. There are many options out there that can be hard to navigate. Together we will find the right way for you. In a prenatal consultation we will go over your goals and options and how we will achieve them, no matter what they are.

    Prenatal Consultation (1-2 hours): $100
    Additional: $40/hour

  • Postpartum and Infant Care

    Even with good preparation, once you’ve brought your baby into the world, it’s common that new questions arise. I’ll be there for you along the way. Starting right after birth, through the introduction of solids all the way to weaning. I can provide in-person support at your birthing place of choice or your home.

    Postpartum Visit (1-2 hours): $100
    Additional: $40/hour

  • Virtual Support (incl. After Hours)

    Most babies won’t be aware of business hours or care about them. So sometimes issues won’t come up until late at night or during other inconvenient times. But even then you can count on me to be there to answer your questions and help out through phone, text or e-mail until we can get together for a session if needed.

    First 6 weeks Package: $300